Why & When to Use Mehndi

Existence of Mehndi

Application of Mehndi is very prevalent in India and Gulf countries. It is also gaining recognition in Western countries now. Mehndi is applied using the henna paste, which is obtained by crushing henna leaves, added with some color boosting natural ingredients. It has been in Indian practice since 5000 years past. The use of henna is also talked about in some historical Vedic scriptures. A Mehndi design stay for a temporary period of time and their staying period vary according to the quality of henna and other color boosting ingredients used in the henna paste. Henna has an intimate association with the hoary Indian traditions and festivals.

Occasions that demand Mehndi

Mehndi is generally used for festive occasions like Diwali, Eid, Karva Chauth, Bhaidooj, and Teej. It is also greatly used for family oriented functions like betrothal, wedding and baby shower. In a wedding, application of Mehndi is celebrated as an important ritualistic event along with other pre-wedding rituals. For a bride wearing the Mehndi design, the color of the Mehndi signifies her life after marriage. If the color comes out dark, she would be having a contented married life.

Bridal Mehndi

A Mehndi function prior to wedding is usually celebrated at bride’s house. It ranges from a small family oriented to an elaborated ritualistic affair based on the financial stability of the bride’s family. A full-fledged Mehndi design would require the bride to sit for six or seven long hours for completing it. The bride family usually appoints a Mehndi designer to do the artwork. In some places, the bride herself walks into the beauty salon to get the Mehndi work done, which attracts a less cost than that of calling the designer to your home or the marriage hall.

In some regions of India, even the bridegroom’s hands are decorated with Mehndi. In states like Rajasthan, more importance is given to the Mehndi designs for bridegrooms. They carry much detail than that of brides. In the state f Assam, the unmarried young girls wear Mehndi designs during "Rongali bihu", which is the beginning of the Assamese New Year. In gulf regions, during the previous night of wedding, the brides are decorated with mehndi designs. In fact the whole night is dedicated for this purpose, especially in the country of Yemen, Middle East.

Mehndi for other purposes

Muslims all over the world, use henna for coloring their hair. Women use henna to color their hair and men use it for coloring their beard as per their Prophet Mohammad’s tradition. They do this considering that it would bring fortune. The Prophet had advised women to color their nails with henna so that they could be differentiated from men. Even now you can see this practice of women coloring their nails with henna in Middle East as well as African countries. Even the African tribes have the practice of applying henna all over their body.

Application process of Mehndi

Mehndi colors in individuals vary depending on their body heat. At present, a Mehndi design is applied on the hands using a plastic or silver foil cone as well as paintbrush. In some places, jacquard bottle that is used for artwork is also used for applying Mehndi. Then the Mehndi design is covered with a plastic film or tissue to secure body heat. This is done in order to create a darker Mehndi color over the skin. The design is left to stay on the hands with covered plastic film till it gets completely dried or about 3 to 6 hours. When you remove the dried henna, the stain might look orange in color but naturally darkens due to oxidation, which takes around 24 to 72 hrs. Good quality henna would stay for about two to three weeks and also depending on the design. The color catches up well with the thick skin than the thin skin.

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